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Our Prices

At Cescaphe we take pride in our reputation for hosting extravagant affairs at a reasonable cost. We are the innovators of the all-inclusive pricing structure; offering the finest quality in food, drink, service, and amenities to all of our brides and grooms.

We will never ask our brides and grooms to negotiate the integrity of their event in order to secure the best price. We believe our couples come to us because of our reputation for over-the-top weddings at Philadelphia’s premier venues, and we would be doing both you and your guests a disservice to compromise the overall quality of your day.

Pricing Benefits

Where we can be flexible on pricing is your wedding date. Both the season and day of the week are factors that greatly affect our price per person.

Seasonal Pricing

The first thing to consider when trying to lower your price per person is the season of your wedding. Fall and Spring weddings are the most in demand and therefore garner top pricing, but in January & February we automatically take off between $10-$20 per person, and in some cases are able to go as far as $30-$40 off. March, July and August dates may also be negotiable depending on demand at time of booking. Savings based on standard pricing.

Day of Week Pricing

In addition to our seasonal pricing, the day of the week you choose for your wedding can help you secure your best price. Saturday is of course the most expensive day of the week. Depending on the venue, a Friday wedding can save you as much as $25 per person and a Sunday wedding as much as $30 per person. Want to save even more? Speak with one of Client Development Associates about Monday-Thursday pricing. Savings based on Saturday pricing.

Minimum Guest Count

Each of our venues have both a minimum and maximum guest count. While our max counts remain the same, minimums vary depending on the day of the week. Your minimum guest count is the minimum number of people you are required to pay for in order for us to host your wedding. If you are confident your guest count will come in above our required minimum, please speak with your Client Development Associate about possible savings.

Booking Window

Yes, many of our weddings book 12 months in advance, but there are always dates available if you are flexible. For those willing to book a date less than 12 months out we can often offer a small savings, with additional savings for weddings booking less than 6 months out. We’ve even booked and hosted a wedding in less than 2 weeks thanks to our years of experience and valued relationships with vendors.